About Us

What is The Swell?

The Swell is a fast-growing global community and learning platform that helps people navigate the second half of their lives. We offer a combination of expert-led workshops and conversations, life-changing experiences, digital wellness tools and an active community. We believe that by making the latest science accessible, we can empower members to live longer, happier and healthier lives.

Who are the members?

Our community is a collection of curious, kind, soulful, humble, kickass, fearless, and generous humans who are leaning into the second half of their lives. Our members are not retiring, they're reinvesting -- in learning, personal growth, health and happiness -- and thinking about the next chapter of their lives. Questions like, "How can I be healthier and happier?", "How can I have more meaning in my life?", "If not now, when?" are top of mind.

How do I become a member?

The Swell is currently in private beta. To join the waitlist send an email to: membership@theswell.com