Community Guidelines

Community Ethos

Our community is a collection of curious, kind, soulful, humble, and generous humans who are leaning into the second half of their lives. We are looking inward for reflection and a better understanding of who we are — and reaching outward for support, insight and connection

Our members are not retiring, they're reinvesting—in learning, personal growth, health and happiness. They’re thinking about the next chapter of their lives, asking themselves questions like, "How can I be healthier and happier?", "How can I have more meaning in my life?", "If not now, when?

Patience and Support for Our Early Stage of Creation

By joining our beta membership, you recognize that we are in the beginning stages of what will become possible. You understand that we are testing and iterating and working diligently to build a meaningful community

We're excited to have you join us and welcome your feedback along the way. As you engage with our product and community, we encourage you to send us any questions, thoughts or ideas directly to our community manager at

Messaging and Emailing Responsibly

Our community group is intended to keep members in touch with one another, help facilitate support, share resources, ideas, personal experiences, and discuss common interests, pain points, and growth opportunities. Some examples may include:

  1. Asking the community for advice or learnings from their own experiences with things like (peri)menopause, raising young adults, feeling stuck, caring for aging parents, career pivoting, self care, processing grief, etc.
  2. Asking the community for advice on local doctors, specialists, treatments, etc.
  3. Sharing insightful or inspiring articles and books related to topics relevant to this demographic and phase of life

Prohibited messages to the community include:

  1. Solicitations for business or personal services, fundraising, cold-calling, mass-mailings, and/or broadcast emails

Operating With Kindness and Respect

All communications to members, experts and team members will come from a place of kindness, respect and genuine interest in helping each other, as we collectively navigate the pain points and growth opportunities unique to this phase of life.

Protecting Personal Information

Use of any personal information made available through the community forum — including names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, employment information for any commercial, advocacy, promotional, or political purpose is strictly prohibited.

Dedication to Quality and Focus

We’d absolutely love to learn about the projects that you’re working on, but please refrain from spamming or selling in either the community or to members in the chat. If you'd like The Swell's help promoting your work (e.g., upcoming book, podcast, etc. ), please send a note to our community manager at

Being Positive, Constructive and Thoughtful

We ask that you take time to reflect and/or take space before reacting or sharing thoughts or advice. The Swell community is an environment where people feel safe sharing their viewpoints. While we are committed to useful and engaged discussions, we avoid highly politicized topics where members may have polarizing views. We do not welcome shaming, openly complaining or calling people out. We can agree to be in a community without agreeing on every issue.

If you have any concerns or issues at any time, our team is always here to help and listen. Please send communications to our community manager at


We will act when a member violates any of these guidelines. Sometimes it may mean giving a member a warning; other times it may mean revoking membership. We request that all community members report behavior that violates our guidelines to the community manager at The Swell reserves the right to solely determine any and all action after review of the violation.


By joining our beta membership community and activating your profile, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed above. We reserve the right to modify our community guidelines at any time. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on our website. If we make material changes to our guidelines, we will notify you that it has been updated so that you are aware.